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CWA/ AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #69 January 13, 2017

CWA/ AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #69

January 13, 2017


CWA 9505 Members at the Repetto Garage, Los Angeles

The Union and the Company have agreed to allow CWA loaners from other Districts into District 9 to assist with the storm condition trouble tickets, in an effort to restore service to customers. As a Quid Pro Quo we were able to achieve some additional benefits for our members working overtime. Please welcome our CWA Union Brothers and Sisters to District 9. Each Local will have the ability to have “Meet and Greet Meetings” which would be a good time to educate the Loaners of our current contract fight with AT&T. Inform the Loaners of all safety policies and company procedures.  Quality work is what we expect from our Members and the Out of State Loaners. 

The details of the agreement are:

1.  Late technicians in Appendix A can come in 3 hours before their tour.  Early technicians in Appendix A can come in at 7a.m.

2.  Technicians can work up to 14 hours per day 7 days a week. The workers have to sign Waivers if working over 72 hours a week.

3.  Other workgroups can be included in the overtime.

4.  A Service Emergency will not be declared at this time.

5.  Going forward in October of each year the Union and the Company will meet to discuss potential storm conditions. The Overtime Oversight Committee will effectuate the meeting. We have not had Storm Prep Meetings in years. So getting this agreed to, is good for the Locals and its members.

6.  The Locals will be given time to meet with all out of state loaners.

7.  The Union Bargaining Chair will be given storm outage numbers daily.

8.  A direct contact in Horace Starr’s organization is available for Locals’ issues. 

For any questions please reach out to your Union Representatives and or Local Union Officers.

I am convinced that if the members of labor organizations would follow some of the tactics of the employer’s organizations their movement could more successfully withstand its opponents and to progress as it has in the past. But if we are to be successful we must have, above all things, more loyalty and less selfishness. — Charles E. James, African-American Union leader, 1907

All official negotiation and mobilization information will be delivered on the District 9 website. (, Local Websites and email lists.

Your Bargaining Committee