NIC Bargaining Report
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016
Information Picket for Internet Services, CWA Local 9413, Las Vegas Nevada
Today, the Company and the Union returned to the Bargaining Table. The Bargaining Team is
excited to announce that we reached a Tentative Agreement. Some of the highlights include:
- Substantial Wage Increases, Including new schedules for the IA’s and CA’s
- Continuation of current pension plan
- Continuation of 80% 401K match
- Access to Wellness Programs as well as ability to fill maintenance prescriptions at a CVS retail at lower mail order rates with no increases in cost share for life of the agreement
- Continued participation in additional compensation programs such as Success Sharing Plan (SSP) and Customer Assistance Pay Plan (CAPP)
- Improved job security
- Plus much, much more!
Your bargaining committee unanimously recommends ratification of this TA – SOLIDARITY!!!
There will be a full contract explanation meeting tomorrow October 5, 2016 at 7:00PM EDT
Call in number: 1888-636-3807 participant code 2955473
In Unity there is strength; We can move mountains when we’re united and enjoy life – Without
unity we are victims. Stay united. – Bill Bailey
In Solidarity,
Your CWA Internet Services Bargaining Committee
Ruth Marriott – CWA Staff Representative Bargaining Chair, T&T, Washington DC
Mayette Arii – Vice President CWA 9413,, District 9
Tim Skaggs – Steward, Local 6215, District 6
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