AT&T NIC Bargaining Report #8: Thursday July 14, 2016

(Mobilization Trainers, Shameka Shaw & Monique Spicer, conducted mobilization training to our members from Metairie DSL NIC Call Center)
The Union Bargaining Team discussed Article 10, Working Conditions with the company regarding On Call Payments. The company continues to reject proposals presented by the union for improving working conditions
The company seems intent to ram down our throat “THEIR” contract not OUR contract.
Your Bargaining Team continues to fight with the company for a fair contract for our “shareholders” You the members and our families. We need your continued support. Bring and wear any red shirts, any red color that you can hang in the back of your chair. Show the company that we are all in this TOGETHER!
MOBILIZE............... MOBILIZE................MOBILIZE
Our Commitment is that we will work for ALL of us – OUR Contract – as long as it takes.
Unions have been the only powerful and effective voice working people have ever had in the history of this country ~ Bruce Springsteen
In Solidarity,
Your CWA Internet Services Bargaining Committee
Ruth Marriott – CWA Staff Representative Bargaining Chair, T&T, Washington DC
Mayette Arii – Vice President CWA 9413,, District 9
Tim Skaggs – Steward, Local 6215, District 6
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