AT&T NIC BARGAINING REPORT # 11 Tuesday, JULY 19, 2016
Tuesday, JULY 19, 2016
It’s a sad day in the Internet Services World (NIC)! The company passed their proposed comprehensive package with all regressive proposals. They added insults after insults. The want to freeze your wages for the next 3 years, meaning you will earn less money each year for the life of the contract. The company cries that it is broke. Perhaps Mr. Stephenson fears going on government assistance like many of our employees are today.
The company wants to pass the rising cost of health care onto you, the employee. This negatively impacts your purchasing power. By freezing your wages for the length of the contract, and with costs continuing to rise you can’t purchase what you can today. SHAME ON YOU AT$T!
If this does not anger you…. I don’t know what will??? Step up your Mobilizing!!!
“ Alone we can do so little..... together we can do so much!!! “ ~ Helen Keller
In Solidarity,
Your CWA Internet Services Bargaining Committee
Ruth Marriott – CWA Staff Representative Bargaining Chair, T&T, Washington DC
Mayette Arii – Vice President CWA 9413,, District 9
Tim Skaggs – Steward, Local 6215, District 6
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