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Tell AT&T to Keep Our Jobs in the USA!!

Tell AT&T to keep our jobs in the USA!

AT&T sent thousands of good-paying middle class jobs overseas last year and they are continuing to do so this year.

While our communities suffer from high unemployment levels and a loss in tax revenue, American work is being done by new foreign AT&T employees in places such as, Bangalore, India; Bratislava, Slovakia; Manila, Philippines; Sao Paolo, Brazil and more. How can we have an economic recovery when American Corporations keep moving work overseas? AND- Your personal information can be accessed from these countries. The whole network can be taken down from these overseas locations- what about our National security?!

When Americans lose their jobs, there is a ripple effect to our communities.

- Homes: We lose our homes because we can’t keep up with our mortgages.

- Education: Schools close because the tax base is diminished.

- Pensions & 401K’s: We don’t have the opportunity to work to a retirement date that will allow us to retire with dignity.

- Health Care Benefits: The most common cause of home foreclosures is a catastrophic health condition so this loss carries a double impact.

- Local business: Stores, restaurants, and other businesses have too few customers and go out of business.

The strength of our Nation depends on having a strong middle class. Many of our parents, grandparents, or forefathers came here seeking the American Dream- a better life for ourselves & our children. That dream includes the right to a good education, a living wage, a home, and a decent retirement. This fight is not just for our future- it is our for children’s future. This is our Country- it is not the sole property of the Corporations!

AT&T is a wealthy corporation that made $30 billion in profits last year. CEO Randall Stephenson made $22 million last year. He will never have to worry about health care benefits or a pension when he retires. Former CEO Edward Whitacre left the Company in 2007 with a post-retirement package that included automobile benefits, home security, corporate jet and country club fees. His walk-away package included a pension of $160 million and equity profits worth about $64 million *. (* Meanwhile AT&T Corporate Executives are trying to downgrade our wages and are moving our jobs overseas.

Call AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and tell him to keep American work for American Workers- and negotiate a fair Contract with CWA! Keep our network safe and our Communities strong. His phone number and email address are on the back of this leaflet.

Please call or e-mail AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson: Call (214) 741-2343 and ask for Randall Stephenson or E-mail him at :

 Communications Workers of America

“Fighting for the American Dream”