New AFA-CWA Leaders Promote Flight Attendants? Unique and Vital Role
“This year we will be telling our important story, publicly promoting our work as first responders and highlighting the unique skills we possess that bring extraordinary value to our jobs,” said Shook, AFA-CWA’s new international president and an Alaska Airlines flight attendant for 20 years. “There are thousands of examples of heroic acts performed by Flight Attendants and millions of examples where, every day, a Flight Attendant is seen as someone's hero.”
Nelson, a United Airlines flight attendant since 1996, has moved into Shook’s previous job as international vice president. Creighan is beginning his second full term as international secretary-treasurer. All three were elected at the 2010 AFA-CWA convention.
The leaders are reaching out to members across the country, asking them to share their questions and concerns as well as stories and ideas for the promotional campaign. To view a video about the team’s goals, click here.
One important issue that is personal to the team is the work-family balance, with Shook and Nelson both working mothers. Shook worked successfully at Alaska Airlines to negotiate flexible work arrangements and family leave provisions. “The profession of flight attendant allows us the flexibility to be fulltime employees and dedicated parents or caretakers for loved ones,” Shook said. “We shouldn’t have to compromise one for the other. We can do both.”
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