Frontier Bargaining Update
Your Bargaining Committee continues to bargain at the table with the Company. Critical items still outstanding are:
• Job Security - Frontier refuses to hear your demands to extend the provisions to the expiration of the contract. Frontier believes you don’t deserve contractual language giving the assurance of a career. Frontier wants you to take their word that they will continue to employ all members. If that’s the truth, then put pen to paper because lip service is weak!
• Wages - Frontier continues to counter with the same wage offer ratified or T.A. in other areas (10% or less). Your Bargaining Committee is standing firm with SHOW US THE MONEY! We will continue to remind Frontier without the membership there would be no Frontier in CA. It was our hard work that kept us afloat before and during the bankruptcy. It was the Locals and Membership who fought back the negative comments through the CPUC hearings. It was our connection to other Labor Unions to maintain the customer base our CEO wants to brag about. How many of us hear from friends, family and labor associates they want to turn off their Frontier service-yet maintain it because of US, the Union workforce. If Frontier wants to continue growing their customer base they need to pay their employees!
• Healthcare - Frontier repeatedly wants your Bargaining Committee to cave into their demand we need to pay more in contributions. When questioned, Frontier whines we have not received an increase since the acquisition. Why is that? The Acquisition MOA was negotiated and agreed to by both parties, CWA and Frontier. Frontier is and was well aware the pause in contribution was due to the number 1 priority, getting the acquisition approved. CWA Locals and Members kept up their end of the bargain. Now Frontier wants to toss in your face pay your fair share like others-comical to say the least. We’re demanding Frontier pay their fair share with a proper wage increase. Funny how the rules don’t apply to them.
• Contracting - Your Bargaining Committee continues to hammer we have a well-trained workforce ready and willing to service the customer. Throughout our argument we have proposed reduction to the existing contracting caps. Frontier’s response is like a broken record on skip; you have the best language regarding caps for copper, traditional work. Frontier needs to fix the needle, move to the next song and agree that we need to upgrade the contractual language addressing fiber work. Frontier claims they are managing the business differently, more effectively. This team disagrees. How do you continue to hire contractors who perform subpar work? Our members on a daily basis dispatch out to correct work performed by contractors. Our call centers continue to receive inbound calls from frustrated customers. We will never be the success our CEO brags about if they don’t get a clue. No contractors, hire employees so they’re properly trained to service our customers whether by phone or in the field.
The Company has not budged on their original counter offers. We are still working diligently at the table to achieve a FAIR CONTRACT. We need you to continue to MOBILIZE. Now more than ever we need you to step it up.
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