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AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #24 - July 11, 2024

AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #24

July 11, 2024

Negotiations have slowed as your bargaining team strives to secure a contract that truly reflects the best interests of our members. Your team is actively finalizing key items and has emphasized the necessity for improved working conditions in Appendix E and increased wages, surpassing those outlined in previous contracts. We will continue to drive home that message, and mobilization efforts must echo that sentiment.

Please continue to send a strong message to the company, showing you are fully engaged and invested in the bargaining process. Your support is greatly appreciated.

“Where there is unity, there is always victory.”

-Publilius Syrus



In Unity,

Mike Barfield, Staff Representative           Jason Hall, Local 9423

Art Gonzalez, Local 9511                            Chris Roberts, Local 9509

John Miller, Local 9421


AT&T Bargaining Update #24 - July 11, 2024
AT&T Bargaining Update #24 - July 11, 2024