AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #27 - September 12, 2024

AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #27
September 12, 2024
Dear brothers and sisters, our bargaining team has had numerous meetings with the company today, but unfortunately, we have not made any progress and are currently at a standstill. The company has inferred that we will not receive retro pay as a matter of principle. Our concerns have been disregarded despite our emphasis on the need for increased wages, retro pay, and improved working conditions for premises technicians. Furthermore, we have been informed that if an agreement is not reached by the end of business on Friday, 9/13, the medical benefits we have negotiated will not take effect, and the 2024 medical benefits will roll over. Stay strong, brothers and sisters.
Mike Barfield, Staff Representative Jason Hall, Local 9423
Art Gonzalez, Local 9511 Chris Roberts, Local 9509
John Miller, Local 9421
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