AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #80 May 19, 2017

AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #80
May 19, 2017

Hold AT&T to its word
We’ve had enough. In just a few minutes thousands of AT&T wireline, wireless and DIRECTV workers will begin a three day strike, from Friday 12:00 noon PT until 12:01 am PT Monday morning. This major demonstration will occur in 36 states across the country. Last year, AT&T made $18 billion in profit. They’ve got more than enough to go around without having to offshore our jobs and threaten our benefits.
Randall Stephenson, AT&T’s CEO, recently said that, “What AT&T really needs is a good, prosperous, growing middle class.”
We couldn’t agree more. AT&T can do its part by negotiating a fair contract with its employees. Join our strike and sign our petition to hold the company to its word.

This show of strength is necessary because AT&T hasn’t made serious progress in our contract negotiations. Our bargaining teams have been working around the clock for a fair deal, but we need to increase the pressure so the company recognizes that we won’t take anything less than what’s fair.
This petition is important, every signature counts. The more support we get, the stronger our position at the bargaining table. Stay tuned for more updates.Sign the Petition
In Solidarity,
CWA District 9
All official negotiation and mobilization information will be delivered on the District 9 website. (, Local Websites and email lists.
Your Bargaining Committe
We Need Reliable Internet Service and Good Jobs - Sign the Petition
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