AT&T NIC Bargaining Report # 4 Thursday, June 30, 2016
July 1, 2016
NIC Bargaining Report # 4 Thursday, June 30, 2016
The Union passed a data request for an Attendance Report on Unprotected Absences. The Union also passed a proposal on Training and Development as well as a proposal on working conditions for On Call Payments.
The company passed proposals on Benefits Plans and the Bargaining Committee spent the rest of the day going through the Benefits Outline Summary that was presented by the company.
Bargaining is in recess for the Fourth of July Holiday week and will resume July 11th. Have a Happy/Safe Fourth of July!
Our Commitment is that we will work for ALL of us – OUR Contract – as long as it takes.
Keep Mobilizing! Mobilize... Mobilize....Mobilize!
In Solidarity,
Your CWA National Internet Contract Bargaining Committee
Ruth Marriott – CWA Staff Representative Bargaining Chair, T&T, Washington DC
Mayette Arii – Vice President CWA 9413, District 9
Tim Skaggs – Steward, Local 6215, District 6
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