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AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #6

CWA/ AT&T Bargaining Bulletin #6

March 1, 2016

AT&T Barg Report 6

Local 9413 Technicians Standing Strong in

Pahrump, Nevada

Your Union Bargaining Committee met with the Company in the Overtime Subcommittee today.  Issues regarding overtime (Appendix E) and its administration were discussed at length.  In addition, the Committee identified issues surrounding the declaration of a service emergency for overtime.

The Union also met in subcommittee today on Article 2.  The Article 2 meetings have been used more for notification than discussion to explore alternatives with the locals concerning downsizing and movement of work.  There was also conversation about increasing the amount of time for a response to buyout offers.  The Committee raised an issue regarding the lack of respect in the Company’s dealings with the locals, stressing the need for improvement.

Fighting for Fairness

All official negotiation and mobilization information will be delivered on the District 9 website. (, Local Websites and email lists.

Your Bargaining Committee