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CWA-AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #23, Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bargaining resumed today with a conversation about commission chargebacks based on the data the Company provided. The Union will now further review the data in order to formulate a proposal addressing the chargeback period in LOA 11-Sales Quota Relief.

Once again, the Company rejected the Union’s proposal on Article 19-Basic of Compensation; Article 16-Safety and LOA 12-Job Satisfaction. If you are just starting to read these bargaining reports and as a reminder to others, the Company has no interest in paying any of their employees any more money; no interest in compensating any of their employees additional money for performing call out duties; no interest in providing any of their employees with the proper equipment to do their job safely and no interest in protecting their employees from loss of commission pay in cases that are beyond their control.

The Union once again passed their proposal on Letter of Agreement 12-Job Satisfaction with emphasis on the need for management to using coaching as the first step in addressing performance issues.

The Company does not appear to be in any hurry to address the issues that still remain outstanding.

The bargaining committee is committed to push on and stay focused on our goal to achieve a fair contract.

Mobilization is key in achieving our goal. Please check with your Locals on the mobilization activities taking place in your workplace. Get involved and stay strong.

The Bargaining committee is on call and prepared to meet at any time of the day or night.