CWA Members Give More in ’24

In response to our call for stories of charitable giving and community outreach, CWAers sent in so many stories we’ve decided to continue to share the good news. You can read our original story here. If you have a story you’d like to share, please share it here.
District 2-13
CWA District 2-13’s Community Service Committee (CSC) selects worthwhile outreach projects for support across the district. They recently donated $500 to Meals on Wheels, which CWA Local 2106 contributes to every year for Thanksgiving.
The CSC also donated $500 to the Christmas fund for striking workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Workers at the Post-Gazette have been on strike for 25 months, making it the longest strike in America.
IUE-CWA Local 84755
Members of IUE-CWA Local 84755 were very busy giving back to the community in 2024. They collected thousands of pounds of peanut butter for the Dayton Foodbank to lead the Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO “Ton in Ten” peanut butter drive. They also collected and donated dozens of winter coats and other clothing to Goodwill. Just before Christmas, members signed up to work 10 shifts at the AFL-CIO Labor Food Pantry.
Members also contributed to the “Backpack for Kids” school supply drive in the Westwood School District, filling and helping distribute backpacks to children. Multiple teams of members took part in “Beds to Kids Days” events, delivering beds, frames, blankets, pillows, and teddy bears to kids without beds.
Finally, the members of IUE-CWA Local 84775 worked with local high schools to help students gain full-time and part-time jobs in IUE-CWA-represented shops through manufacturing MMSC, IMT, and mentorship programs.
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