DIRECTV Bargaining Bulletin #5
DIRECTV WEST Bargaining Bulletin # 5 April 6, 2017
Your DIRECTV bargaining committee met in formal session with the Company on April 6th. We presented a new proposal for “Consecutive Days Off” in a work week. Your committee also introduced a counter proposal that would increase paid holidays from 6 to 8 days, and add two (2) additional floating holidays, for a total of 10 paid holidays per year. Our counter also contained language for “Carry-Over” vacation time, as the Company’s proposal made no mention of “Carry-Over” vacation time. Our counter proposal also contained improvements for the following:
● Improved selection process of Vacation and Paid Day Off,
● Increase the number of paid days off from the Company’s proposed five (5) days to seven (7) days,
● Eliminated the Company’s proposed unfavorable forced Paid Days Off language and
● Improvements on Bereavement Leave.
We will return to the bargaining table May 10th & 11th.
Please be aware of the Strike Authorization Vote taking place throughout DIRECTV in California and Nevada Locals throughout District 9. A strong strike vote lets AT&T know that DIRECTV members are prepared to do whatever it takes to get a good contract and gives your bargaining committee the support we need at the bargaining table. Please contact your CWA Representative for more information. Results will be announced once completed and tallied.
As a reminder, please make plans to join us at the San Jose, CA rally on April 9th.
CWA National President Chris Shelton will be in attendance. Contact your CWA Representative for more information. Click here for details about the Rally.
All official negotiation and mobilization information will be delivered on the District 9 website. (, Local Websites and email lists.
Your Bargaining Committee
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