DTV Bargaining Report - March 28, 2024

This week began with the Bargaining Committee and the Company in a more favorable position to reach agreement on various matters, we have successfully reached a tentative agreement to incorporate the language from the scheduling trial into the new contract. This includes the provision for two consecutive days off, with options for Friday/Saturday, Saturday/Sunday, and Sunday/Monday schedules. We've also made significant strides in improving our healthcare benefits.
Regrettably, the Company rejected 10 of the outstanding Union Proposals, while the Bargaining Committee turned down Company proposals that would have compelled members to cross picket lines (or sneak in through back doors) and reduced existing guarantees for our access to disability protections.
As we approach the final days before the contract expires, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of standing in solidarity with our co-workers and making it clear to the Company that we are prepared to fight for our rights and a better contract. If the Company perceives us as weak and divided, they will be less inclined to concede to any of our proposals. Keep in touch with your local Union representatives and be ready to demonstrate your support.
In Unity,
District 9 DTV Bargaining Team
Derek Walker, Staff Representative
Kenyon Johnson, CWA Local 9003
Frank Mendoza, CWA Local 9416
Maxie Lemoine, CWA Local 9421
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