DTV Bargaining Update - April 3, 2024

DTV Bargaining Update
April 3, 2024
This is what the Company has proposed this week:
1) Offering a pay raise less than the inflation rate.
2) Remove company funding from some employee education resources.
3) Trying to throw out past employee protections negotiated with the Union.
The Company also states that DirecTV Stream is a 100% self-install and self-repair service, and there have been ZERO work orders dispatched to any technicians relating to DirecTV Stream. Therefore, DirecTV does not need to take that work into consideration with regards to compensation. The Bargaining Committee strongly disagrees with the Company on all counts, and we have prepared a counter proposal to address these concerns. As the deadline for contract expiration approaches, we will continue to focus on an improved contract for all members as we now work on economic issues. Be prepared to show support and solidarity while we continue to work for a fair and equitable contract.
In Unity,
District 9 DTV Bargaining Team
Derek Walker, Staff Representative
Kenyon Johnson, CWA Local 9003
Frank Mendoza, CWA Local 9416
Maxie Lemoine, CWA Local 9421
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