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Pride at Work Celebrates Marriage Equality Across the Nation

For Immediate Release

June 26, 2015
Contact: Jerame Davis

Pride at Work Celebrates Marriage Equality Across the Nation

WASHINGTON, DC - In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled today to affirm the right to marry for same-sex couples across the nation. Pride at Work celebrates this historic victory for marriage equality and the LGBTQ community. Executive Director, Jerame Davis, reacts:

“Today’s momentous victory in the Supreme Court has affirmed what we already knew - the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law and that includes the right to marry for same-sex couples. We are ecstatic that this ruling will finally deliver equality and justice to families in every state of our great nation. We hope the states will move quickly to implement this ruling.

“The opponents of marriage equality have predicted doom and despair at each stage of this long journey to equality, but love and commitment are not values that undermine our national heritage. Today’s ruling underscores the importance of marriage in our society and upholds the dignity and value of the lives of LGBTQ Americans.

"But we are not done. In 29 states, same-sex couples who take advantage of their right to wed may face serious complications with their job, housing, and public accommodations. The very real possibility that a worker could marry the person they love on Saturday and then get fired from their job Monday morning when they show pictures around the water cooler is a looming threat to many workers who do not enjoy the protections of a union collective bargaining agreement. While a union contract will protect workers in the workplace, not every workplace is a union shop, which is why we need a comprehensive national non-discrimination law to protect these workers on the job, at home, and in the public square.

“We have won a major victory today, but the backlash will be swift. Our comrades in the labor movement rejoice with us in our victory and will stand with us to fight the battles ahead. We are one union and one nation. Both are stronger today.”


Pride at Work is the official constituency group of LGBT union members and allies fighting for workplace equality for LGBT workers. We organize mutual support between the organized labor movement and the LGBT community in the spirit of the union movement's historic motto, "An Injury to One is An Injury to All." Workers interested in joining Pride at Work or in launching new chapter organizing efforts, can or email us at