T-Mobile Bargaining Update #13

T-Mobile Bargaining Update # 13
2/3/21 & 2/4/21
On February 3, T-Mobile opened with updates around staffing and future COVID safety training for all employees.
CWA submitted Counter Proposals on:
● Wages and Benefits.
● Duration of Contract
CWA reached a tentative agreement on:
● Wages and Benefits.
On February 4, CWA submitted a Counter Proposal on:
● No Strike, No Lockout proposal
T-Mobile is taking this proposal and the Duration of Contract proposal into consideration.
Your bargaining team is working persistently for a fair and equitable contract to present to CWA members.
T-Mobile is still determining whether they want to agree to a fair contract or not.
We are scheduled to meet February 26, 2021.
We have achieved Twenty one (21) Tentative Agreements to date!
In Unity,
Louis Rocha, CWA Chief Negotiator
Michael Barfield, CWA 9404 President
Carlos Silva, Mobile Expert
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