Tenative Ageement in Mobility Reached in Puerto Rico on a New Contract
All week, we’ve been sitting across from AT&T at the bargaining table, and we have to tell you how much your pictures showing solidarity have helped keep us going.
The good news is that we've reached a tentative agreement with AT&T, putting us one step closer to making sure every AT&T Mobility employee gets the rights he or she deserves.
Show AT&T that we are standing united behind a fair agreement. Make a “¡Sí se puede!” sign, snap a picture, and post it on Facebook or send it to us at mobility@cwa-union.org to say “yes we can!”
This tentative agreement is an important step in making sure our hard work is fairly represented in our contract. Truthfully, it’s been a very intense and sometimes frustrating process, but knowing members like you have our backs has made all the difference.
We fought hard because we know Unity@Mobility brothers and sisters are the backbone of AT&T, and why the company has been so successful. Each and every one of us deserves a fair share of the pie. This agreement is an important step forward to making that real, and we'll be sharing the details in the near future.
Show AT&T that we stand together, united. Take a picture of your “¡Sí se puede” sign and send it to mobility@cwa-union.org to say “yes we can!” We need to hear from you!
In unity,
The Puerto Rico Bargaining Committee
Darnel Borrero
Gustavo Sanchez
Wilfredo Guivas
Jorge Rodríguez
Daniel Jackson
Betty Witte
Luis Benitez
Local 9421: John Adams, Jr. VP Unity@Mobility Instructor, Salvador Anguiano Steward Elk Grove Mobility Retail Store, Kayla Wiens Steward Folsom Mobility Retail Store, Dawnya Walker Mobility Chief Steward and Marco Rodriguez Executive Board Member and Steward Elk Grove Mobility Retail Store.
Local 9410
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