We Need Reliable Internet Service and Good Jobs - Sign the Petition

The 2021 bipartisan infrastructure act allocated $42 billion in public funding for internet infrastructure buildout is hitting our streets this year, and CWA Members have worked hard to make sure it will create good union jobs! Because of that work, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration has prioritized investment in fiber.
Now the future of that funding is in jeopardy. Satellite company CEO's are pushing to funnel more of the pony intended for fiber buildout to unreliable satellite internet service. Satellite employs fewer workers - and there are currently no union-represented satellite internet providers.
The Senate Commerce Committee Chairman, Ted Cruz, has called for a broader use of "Alternative Technologies" to fiber, and Senior Trump Administration officials have testified against fiber buildout. The outcome of this debate will have a huge impact on the work we do at CWA, the success of fiber buildout and good union jobs.
Please fill out this Action Network to tell the NTIA to stand up to the pressure to redirect funds to unreliable satellite service and to continue to create good union jobs by investing in reliable high-speed fiber internet.

We Need Reliable Internet Service and Good Jobs - Sign the Petition