AT&T Mobility Orange Contract 2017 Bargaining: #52

The CWA and AT&T bargainers met this week via phone conference. Among the many issues we discussed was the new Leave Link process which has caused chaos with our members who need to access FMLA, Short Term Disability, and ADA accommodations to name a few. CWA has added failure to bargain the effects of this change to our long list of labor law violations and we have filed Unfair Labor Practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board.
This week we all saw AT&T’s latest earnings report which shows the company has billions of cash on hand. If AT&T cared about its employees and customers, they would get serious about a new contract instead of moving our work to vendor call centers and Authorized Retailers which is a recipe for disaster for employees, customers, and ultimately the shareholders as AT&T leads the race to the bottom.
This bargaining will be recessed as of today and will pick up again on August 14th, in order for CWA to conduct the business of the Union at the National Convention of CWA delegates, beginning next week.
Remember, the terms of our contract remain in place as we bargain for a new Agreement. Keep up the mobilization. When we fight, we WIN!
In Solidarity,
Mike Baxter, Local 1101 | Glen Skeen, Local 4320 |
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