Frontier Bargaining Update - May 24, 2022

Today, the CWA Bargaining Committee met to discuss Frontier’s lack of adequate movement concerning Job Security, Wages and TPA. The team worked collectively on counter proposals to address the rightfully deserved DEMANDS of the membership. Our counter proposals are more than fair in terms of CEO Jeffery’s latest Listen Live (town hall). Our Job Security proposal locks in a trained, skilled workforce to expand Frontier’s footprint and the public’s perception of a mismanaged sinking ship…
Show Us the Money!
Twitter: @FrontierCorp
Instagram: Frontiercorp
Facebook: Frontier Communications
Make the Company hear you!
Your Union Bargaining Committee,
Lynn Johnson, CWA Area Director Steve Maldonado, CWA Local 9400 Vice President Don Ruiz, CWA Staff Rep Thomas Gardella, CWA Local 9510 Vice President Lisa Shafer, CWA Local 9575 President Maggie McCormack, CWA Local 9588 President
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