NABET Endorses Bernie Sanders for President!
CWA Endorses Bernie Sanders for President!
The endorsement of Bernie Sanders reflects the determination of our members to support a candidate whose vision of America includes a real place for working families in our politics and in our economy.
"Our union has more than 300,000 active and retired members in the states that will hold primaries between now and April 1. In California, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Ohio -- where CWA has its largest numbers of members -- activists are ready, organizing worksite actions, staffing phone banks, and signing up new contributors to CWA's political program ahead of the general election." From the CWA Newsletter (which comes out every Thursday) – You can sign-up here:
- Bernie strongly supports your right to collectively bargain and form a union. In solidarity, he has picketed alongside our members fighting corporate greed at Fair Point and Verizon. Just a few weeks ago, he rallied with us in New Yrok City to protest the illegal firing of a Verizon Wireless worker and CWA member.
- Bernie supports an increase in the minimum-wage to $15/hour, and strongly argues that employees should earn equal pay for equal work – regardless of gender.
- Bernie supports public elections that remove the influence of large, secret or corporate donations on out elections. He leads by example as the only Democratic candidate to not use a corporate-funded Super PAC.
- Bernie has a detailed plan to make college education free by taxing Wall Street’s risky speculative gambling practices.
- Bernie has opposed every bad outsourcing trade deal he’s faced since first being elected into office.
You can check out Bernie’s positions on all the issues at:
CWA has a new political website:
Please check it out for news, information, resources, flyers, tools to help spread the word, as well as ways to get active and volunteer.
The Signal NABET-CWA is published by e-mail monthly, or as events warrant, to deliver the latest NABET-CWA updates electronically. NABET-CWA members and Local Officers are encouraged to send in your stories (and pictures) for future editions of The Signal. All you have to do is email us at:
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