Frontier Bargaining Update
The Bargaining Committee proposed a new MOA, Employment Security. The Employment Security MOA presented was in direct relation to the Company’s need to grow the footprint in California, expanding fiber to new households, and truing up job security for the members who built and installed the initial product, FiOS. The Committee’s proposal would be a nonmonetary change for Frontier while securing our future and careers. Our proposal would involve no additional administration for the Company; they already maintain seniority lists and would cost them NOTHING!
The Company would release the following classifications if business needs require use of our existing contractual language (Article 8 and/or 9); Contracted, Subcontracted, Term, Temporary, Occasional and Part-time, again costing them NOTHING!
The Company repeatedly expressed there’s no business plan to surplus/layoff Regular employees. If that’s the case, then they should put pen to paper and jointly agree to this proposal.
Here’s an easy mobilization for EVERYONE! Send Frontier’s bargaining team the following message: AGREE to our EMPLOYMENT SECURITY MOA; if you are not going to surplus/layoff Regular employees as you continue to state.
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