Frontier Bargaining Update - October 5, 2022
Over the past couple of weeks the Union has demanded constructive discussions regarding solutions to the long term sustainability and continuation of a Union labor force. In these discussions the concept of establishing a telecom apprenticeship program was presented by the Union Leadership as a means to an end with regards to the dependence on utilizing contractors.
We reiterated to the Company that the FiOS Jobs of the Future MOA does not exist. The Union presented a path to the elimination of unlimited use of contractors so that the Company complies with the 5% limits set forth in Article 7-Contracting of Work.
The Company countered on the Union’s introduction of an apprenticeship program as a means to increase the pools of qualified prospective candidates. We are currently reviewing the language to ensure that it meets our demands for job security while creating future jobs. This should by no means give you the impression that a T. A. is eminent; however it is a step in the right direction.
We are scheduled to meet with the Company tomorrow morning; we will resume further discussion on this subject.
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